Write For Us

No matter how much we try, there is always some latest news or info about Singapore that we may overlook. If you want, as a writer, you can fill that void and write for us on SingaporeNewHub. But, there is a specific guideline for guest posts that we want you to follow. 

  • We will publish your content if it is 100% unique and has zero percent plagiarism. 
  • A writer needs to write an attractive title consisting of 60 to 64 percent characters–not more than that. 
  • Your content needs to consist of a minimum of 1000 words– any less is unacceptable. 
  • Using H2 and H3 tags is mandatory since it helps the reader with a faster and better reading experience. 
  • Grammatical errors in your content are not acceptable. 
  • You can add the author’s website to the content with a no-follow tag. 
  • Limit your author bio to 20 to 40 words. 
  • You can add copyright-free images to the content. 
  • Please add bullets, numbers, and highlighted words to enrich your content. 
  • Remember not to post articles or links related to adult sites or gambling sites. 

We encourage you to stay true to your style and write with passion. If you have any further queries, do not hesitate to contact us at webmaster@redhatmedia.net or fill out the contact form.